Ramesh T A Poems

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War And Peace!

Getting up from bed in the morning, life competition with time resumes each day;
If war comes all things are blocked and people are affected in all ways sans relief;
No country can win in the war unless has support from majority of people and nations;
But money spent on war cannot be easily recovered after the game is over!

Love Is Great Hidden Treasure And Invaluable Gift To All!

Love is a unique experience of feeling like joy of heart rose gives at first sight by beauty;
Hidden treasure of life it is activated by natural selection between two souls sans their knowledge;
Nature by doing so perpetuates species in this flower world of ours since time immemorial to all;
Love flourishes like flowers blooming from Spring on after Winter every year without fail sure!

We Are The Victims In The Experiment Of Nature!

Life means both the things are there from the beginning to the end in the world;
Like day and night, joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure and birth and death are common in life;
What seems to be real is illusion and what seems to be illusion is reality all realize by experience;
In this journey of life, many hidden treasures of life one can come across till the end!

Love And Friendship Only Can Create One World Utopia!

Sans love there is no life, freedom, joy and peace in the human society;
With just economic and military power real progress of humanity is impossible;
Even in democratic countries due to that power freedom and rights are nil;
Competition and wars go on in shadows besides pollution and pandemic affecting all!

Enjoy Universal Love By Non-Attachment To Total Progress!

What a joyful noise squirrels make and play around my area today!
They have camped here to do their duties as they wish by playing games;
They are non-attached to anything and anyone anywhere to be free ever;
They enjoy Universal love as all are their kith and kin everywhere sure!

Technology With Nature Only Can Save Mankind!

Garbage has become garbage in the picture drawn by my grand daughter;
This depicts the bizarre Nature of the modern world of civilization sure;
For, the size and shape look very formidable sans beauty and tenderness;
Yes, that shows the ugly state of Nature distorted by pollution in air, water and all!

Civilization Is Construction But Savagery Is Destruction!

Seeing the happenings of the world something inside kindles me to say and do something;
Saying and doing of my own accord for the common good is social service sure;
That too poetically expressing information and ideas say briefly all and suggestion useful;
That reaches not only to experts but also common people for easy understanding!

Surprise After Midnight In The Sky!

A very bright full Moon has appeared after midnight in the Sky;
Is it big lamp search light? At first my thoughts were so sure;
A rare scene at that unusual time of the night I saw from my bed;
Like surprising things happening in the world life, Nature surprised me!

Return Of Corona Again!

Ambulances are coming and going between various places and hospitals;
Many are succumbing to or returning from death there as patents
each day;
Cause of sudden rise of Corona infection is many are not following precaution;

Love Nature To Live Healthy And Long Life!

Like Nature Poets, love Nature living in harmony with it for long in the world;
Exploiting natural resources leads to climate change resulting in destruction by Nature and man;
Love beauty of Nature to maintain it and live divine life as in paradise ever;
That is the way to live healthy and long life in the only Earth in the Universe!

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