Your Hand: An Ode To Brothers Who Reached Out Poem by Deidre Dixon

Your Hand: An Ode To Brothers Who Reached Out

Because you reached out, another man's life has changed.

Just in the nick of time the compassion in your heart pulled him out of the rain.

Life's precipitation had come to drench him and cause a torrential downpour of doubt.

Believing the lies that said he would never make in life and he had to accept the mediocrity that these streets give out.

By reaching out your giving hand you've done more than be your brother's keeper.

You pulled your brother out of the hands of the world's sinkhole that was trying to pull him deeper!

Into that place of desperation where the poorest choices and mistakes are made.

That would keep him in that cycle of bondage and continue to cause his blessings to be delayed.

By reaching out to be a blessing to someone else, you have made an impact on this tumultuous world!

You're an example to other brothers to reach out to those diamonds in the rough who are hidden in oysters of calamity though they are valuable pearls.

So many brothers who could help are only interested in helping themselves 'cause they have an 'I' Infection.

If it ain't 'I, me or my' they turn a blind eye even though they clearly see a brother going in the wrong direction.

Favor shall forever follow you and lead the way of your success!

The dreams you have dreamed shall come to pass and even your thoughts will be blessed!

Make room for the abundance that is inevitably bound to you.

You grew not weary in well doing and your season of reaping is now due!

Your life doesn't look the same today as your life once looked before.

No one could encounter your presence and know what it was like before you walked through the door.

The door that was opened to give you an opportunity to turn things around.

The door that was opened to you one day when you were lost and got found.

Now the gratitude for the hand extended to you, you have extended to another.

Forever will gratitude be extended to you for extending a hand to your brother.

Saturday, May 27, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: brother,brotherhood
Deidre Dixon

Deidre Dixon

Gary, Indiana
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