Wwii Cursed Ukraine Suffers Scorched Earth Policies Poem by Terence George Craddock

Wwii Cursed Ukraine Suffers Scorched Earth Policies

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deceptive face of insanity
targets food supply for humanity
burning crops scorched earth policy...
burning land in war the land becomes
worthless prevents advancing armies
obtaining food shelter natural resources...
manufacturing communications technologies
burned denied to advancing enemy armies...

Stalin orders scorched earth policy
in Ukraine thousands of factories
destroyed removed the Dniprohes...
Dam at Dnipropetrovsk the largest
hydroelectric dam in Europe blown up
collective farms ordered to destroy...

their crops animals or to surrender
them to retreating Soviet armies
Stalin commands scorched earth policy...
in Soviet Ukraine to slow stall halt
Nazi invasion into motherland Russian lands
the entire economy of Soviet Ukraine...

was almost completely destroyed
by a determined retreating Red Army...
civilian population totally abandoned
by defensive rapid fleeing Soviet regime...

policy proves extremely effective
Nazi armies denied anticipated...
bounty massive Ukraine resources
policy proves extremely effective...

if ignoring death cruel inhumanity butcher's bill
cursed Ukraine suffers fate double whammy...
Hitler takes page out of Stalin's little red notebook
Hitler orders in 1943-44 a scorched earth policy...

as Wehrmacht retreats from Ukrainian territory
28 000 villages are burned by retreating Germans...
all resources that could be used by an advancing
Red Army are either evacuated or burned destroyed...

scorched earth policy impact on the Eastern Front
more than half the victims of war on the Eastern Front...
are civilians an illuminated first this is the first time
in hallowed history of warfare that civilian casualties...

outweighed military casualties
scorched earth blackened burned...
depriving any advancing armies
of useful needed valuable resources...

ensures civilian populations
left behind would suffer...
enormous privation miseries
in wars meant to make civilians suffer...

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Inspired by the poem 'Killing Bees Biological Warfare', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in March 2023 on the 20.3.2023.
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