Witness The Truth Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

Witness The Truth

Whilst the shadows will deceive us
And Truth few people share
Many lost will not believe us
And others fail to care

Looking back to Jesus’ calling
Further back to Jesus’ tree
Now consider how appalling
When neighbours fail to see

Yet deep in hell they’ll understand
They’ll gnash their teeth and bow
With Satan’s mark upon their hand
God’s ‘Too late’ on their brow

Within the pit no sun will rise
No rain will ever fall
Eternity! Will hear their cries
But none will heed their call

Now let’s consider one is you
Another one is me
Would it help to change our view?
To set the captive free

Let our world The Truth be given
Reveal the devil’s lies
So the nails in Jesus driven
Will open blinded eyes

Praise The Lord for John and Peter
Matthew, Mark, Luke and Paul
Without their help life would teeter
And many more would fall

Let’s arise and tell Love’s story
Go forth tell Jesus’ tale
Lift our Saviour high in glory
And help the devil fail

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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