Without Promise Poem by Kelly Boutin

Without Promise

Smothered by time,
Mothered by pain
Sinking into something so gray
The darkness seems surreal

Growing up lost
Searching for love
But still down in that hole
Sinking so low
Pain seems like home
And fairytales seem unreal

Wanting so bad
What she's never had
Something never promised to a kitten
Who grew up but still
Against her will
Couldn't keep her promise

A time and a half
She continues to stand
In curse and in love's harness
What time now she has
To ask how it changed
Grace for a kitten without promise?

A prayer every night
Brought her to flight
A Bravebird she flew unblinded
Believing in love
She ended up lost
Somewhere under time's eyelids

What hand could change
Could pass over time
And forgive her and give her new courage?
The same One that was there in every prayer
When she first started her journey
The same One that cares from the beginning of earth

And took note when she decided
It was too much to go on unloved
In failure and every night crying
She slipped out too soon
To dance too the moon
Hopeless, she ended up flying

What love it was still holds her up
Even though most days its unseen
Oblivious of danger she still tries to take her
Life out of this cage.
Maybe freedom will come when the promise of love
Again holds her safe.

Sunday, July 26, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: grace,love
Edward Kofi Louis 26 July 2015

Mothered by pain! ! With the muse of life and poverty. Nice work.

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