Why The Ladies Can'T Resist The Williams Poem by Abraham Williams

Why The Ladies Can'T Resist The Williams

Ladies ponders
What is our Secret?
Men fill with thought
On how to unveil our mystery,
One may look like the other,
both slim but not as a fashion model.
But when I try to elaborate,
They say I speak false.
I told them,

“It’s in the reach of our words
The power behind the way we lay it down,
The charisma in the way it comes out of our lips,
And also don’t forget
We are Williams,
Williams by genes,
Williams we will forever be,
Williams, that’s us”.

A lady walked out of the room
and neighbours stares and say:
Who is she?
Before they could blink twice,
Another is at our door step knocking,
Saying “can I come in? '
They say it has to be a charm,
Some say the ladies are under a spell,
But I say,
'It is the power in our touch,
The passion in our eyes,
The magic in our lips',
But above all, don’t forget,
We are Williams,
Williams by genes,
Williams we will ever be,
Williams, that’s us.

A guy once said.
'Maybe it’s the way they dress
Or probably, their tribe may be the key'
But they all wonder what Ladies sees in us?
Contemplating about our inner mystery,
But when I try to show them,
It’s a pity they can’t see,

It is the way we touch their lips,
The manner in which we caress they hips,
In grace and style in which we make love,
The way we know their needs
and make sure everything is at its peak.
Even with all this,
Don’t forget we are Williams,
Williams by genes,
Williams we will forever be,
Williams that’s us.

Now I only hope you all understand,
Why ladies can’t just resist the “Willies”
Because we don’t need to rant or shout,
Or talk real loud,
But when ever you see us passing,
It ought to make you proud enough to say
To the person standing close to you.

It is the way in which they dress,
The swagger in their stride of their steps,
The confident in their voice,
The charm in their eyes,
The power in their touch,
But above all, the secret lies with the fact that,
They are the Williams brothers,
Williams by genes,
Williams forever they will be,
Williams that’s them.

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