Why Can'T I Love Youi Can'T Understand My Mind Poem by Ianne de Angel

Why Can'T I Love Youi Can'T Understand My Mind

I can't understand my mind
I can't imagine how I'm blind
I can't understand why I don't find
I don't find you as a good kind

You're very sweet, pure
Your love is so imature
Your ingenuos thinks
Makes come out the drinks
Any girl can say you're not perfect
I don't even see any defect

But I don't love you
(You treat me like a queen
Like anyone never seen
Every word has a mean
You're like a dream)
But I don't love you
(You talk with a sweet voice
Everything I did was a good choice
And same far I hear the same noise)
I don't love you

I can't understand what I am
Am I that stupid to don't understand?
Every thing you do is to hold my hand
But same like this I just see you as a friend

You're very funny
The kind who looks like a bunny
Your ingenous face
Takes me to another place
Anyone can say you're not my one
But I keep to want more fun

I don't love you
(You act like a gentle
I can't hide you're an angel
But we're in so hazel)
I don't love you
(Your kiss is all in me
You're the only who can rechieve
And same you keep to believe)
Some day I'll love you
But I don't love you

Why am I so confuse?
Why am I so stupid?
Why I can't stand the true?
Why is so weak the cupid?
I don't love you
I want to love you
But I don't love you
Will I love you?
You think I'd love you

But I don't love you
(Am I wishing a bad kind?
Am I so stupid and blind?
Why can't I put you in my mind?
Why am I wanting who's behind?)
I want to love you
But every second is worse
I want not a white horse
Sorry, I'm not gonna marry you
I'll gonna carry him
And hurt... hurt...
Why can't I love you?
I don't love you.

Ianne de Angel

Ianne de Angel

São Paulo, Brazil
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