Where Do You Hide In The Noontide Poem by AFFAQ NABI

Where Do You Hide In The Noontide

Oh, heartbreaker! my heart is
perusing you.
Where do you hide? which hillside, ravine or cloudland
I'm reminding you: send in a voice, stunning new
The spirit runs through grief, and you might be too
Worried, when will you adjoin me? I would let brief about
My routine affairs, then you may
weep and make
Me too; that will be a gloomy scene, even if it's true.
Thus, it's worthy to forsake me. or reveal to me.
That wound, which you gave me
O! server of my soul,
I'm thirsty around you—a storm of memories
Which mount up in my heart enslave me, revisit
A regret lies in my tender bosom, ahh, bright hue
I am defamed by time, while you stayed inside me.
My bosom hunts you in challenging times, show me.
A shore; the sailors have snatched me. the boat
Has gone far off, and the rudder is at sea.
You're my glad to render me to shoreward, I know.
Not what lies ahead in my fortune, now restless
You are there, uneasy I'm over here. I concealed
My grief in tears, I saw obviously bitterness over
These years, quite often when the evening wears on,
I feel tense seeing a white coffin with deep fears.
Your fair face appears in my dim eyes, then.
The lips come out in a plea, and the heart relishes it.
I received several hits, give me a gentle kiss, grief
Is too wide, hence grant me a smooth ride; that might
Bring spring into my life through your flashlight.
Where do you hide at noontide,
O heartbreaker?

Where Do You Hide In The Noontide
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: lamentation
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