When Will We Wake Up To The Science Of Jesus Christ? Poem by Sajid Khan

When Will We Wake Up To The Science Of Jesus Christ?

The Difference Between Jesus and All the Other Giants of
Science and Philosophy; From Aristotle and Socrates to
Our Very Own Dalai Lama; Jesus Is the Only One With the
Perfect Understanding of Wisdom
Philosophy is still researching wisdom by putting it under
the microscope! Only Jesus knew that wisdom comes
automatically with the territory of the pure self/spirit/mind.
Wisdom is not an independent entity which can be
studied under the microscope.
From very early on the great philosophers including
Socrates to Aristotle realized that the problem with
society is that we have too few wise citizens. If only
we could uncover the mystery of wisdom and teach
everyone to become wise we would have a perfect
society and we would not have to worry about all these
ills of society. So man invented philosophy to uncover
the secret of wisdom and find ways to teach wisdom.
Ever since that time till today we still keep putting
wisdom under the microscope to solve it's mystery.

After 40+ years of doing nothing except researching
wisdom from all and every source we have discovered
that wisdom is an innate property of the pure self. It is
like a fragrance of the super mature emotionally
intelligent brain. It is a symptom of the fully actualized
humanness potential that is present in every single
physically normal human being. Thus wisdom is a
secondary entity. It does not exist on its own. In order
to create wisdom the quality of the self has to be fully
actualized emotionally.

When the mind scientists, psychologists and
philosophers put wisdom under the microscope
all they see is properties of a non-corporal entity that
is a function of the real physical brain. It is like when
researching a disease we keep putting the symptoms
under the microscope. Studying the symptoms may
give us some clue but the real causes of the disease
can never be uncovered. While researching wisdom
we keep committing the same mistakes again and
again. The real generator of wisdom is the pure
spirit/self/mind/consciousness. It is very clear that in
order to create wise human beings we will have to
create super mature emotionally intelligent brains.
A brain that projects super mature
Which means we have to create emotional baggage
free minds. Minds that are selfless, humble and without
ego. So wisdom education is more or less brain
therapy that frees the brain of all emotional

Now compare the definitions of wisdom of all the
giants of philosophy, from Aristotle to our very own
Dalai Lama and Dr. Melody Burns, Director of
Domestic Policy at the White House, with that of
Jesus. All the philosophers from Aristotle till today
took the wrong track to wisdom education! And
Washington is still stuck on the same wrong path.
Recently the Dalai Lama suggested that we should
teach ethics education, and he was roundly
applauded for this. Ethics is an attribute of wisdom
which man has been trying unsuccessfully to teach
since ever. Again Dr. Burns said that they are
introducing the teaching of the 'R' of responsibility.
There we go again. These mavens of education
have little clue that the attributes of wisdom are
all integral parts of wisdom and thus teaching the
attributes does not teach or change anything. It is
exactly like teaching a symptom.

Look at the facts. Not once did Jesus say that he
is here to teach wisdom. He instead took the right
approach to creating wise human beings. He told
us in John chapter 3 that the way to salvation is by
being born again. He also said that we have to be
born again through spirit; in order to become pure
spirit. The pure spirit is innately, automatically,
effortlessly and naturally wise. So Jesus knew that
wisdom is a bonus of the pure
spirit/self/consciousness. And by showing the way
of what is required he knew that wisdom will come
with the territory of being one's pure self! So he did
not even mention wisdom as it is a secondary
property. Thus wisdom is not as important as the
purity of the self. And in any case wisdom is almost
impossible to create on it's own. The only reason
man becomes wise by old age is because over
time the emotional baggage in the brain gets
ground down. So Jesus is pointing out that why not
consciously and with a full focus make every effort to
speed up this grinding out of the emotional baggage.

By being born again what Jesus is saying is to
re-experience the full impact of 'womb-conditioning'
(please google womb-conditioning by sajid khan)
and our birth experience to bring the unconscious
emotions to the surface and thus free the brain of
these buried emotions that keep churning in the
unconscious brain. Thus freeing the brain of it's
emotional baggage. All the mind sciences use the
same method to make subnormal brains into normal.
What Jesus is saying is that we must use the same
psychotherapy/psychiatry/psychology/yoga means to
make the normal brain into a super normal brain.

Alas if only our mind mavens had tried to focus on the
message of Jesus! He is clearly saying the following:

1) Man must be aware that making one's self worthy
of heaven is to make our spirit/mind/self pure and
free the self/mind of the bondage of the brain/body/flesh.

2) To become free is to be born again. Which in mind
science terms means to retool the brain to become free
of our basic animal human nature generating emotional

3) Man must wake up to the fact that the brain and mind
are two separate realities. And that we must know the
exact functions of each and the relationship between them.
Our mind mavens are still too fuzzy of what our mind is.

4) Being super normal, being free of the bondage of the
brain, being our true spirit is the same as being super
physically and emotionally healthy.

5) Being emotionally ill is the same as being ignorant
and evil, unworthy of going to heaven. Specially when
Jesus is showing the way.

6) So while our philosophers are struggling and
struggling in vain to find ways to teach wisdom;
Jesus is saying wisdom will come anyway by
being born again.

7) According to Jesus
mental illness = ignorance = evil = flesh
and mental health = pure knowledge = good = spirit.
And our giants of philosophy are still tied up in
confusion about where moral values come from!
Moral values are part and parcel of the pure spirit!

8) How to make man into a pure spirit/mind is
through being born again...

9) Jesus is saying that our main problem is that
we know our self through our flesh/brain instead
of through our spirit/mind. This list can go on and on and on...

Jesus is clearly advocating a separate subject
that is more therapy than subject. Thus we need
to develop a way to teach everyone to be born again!
We are at that stage where we know exactly
how we can be born again!

Jesus is not talking about teaching wisdom,
unlike everyone else. He is talking about changing
flesh into spirit; brain into mind. He knew exactly what
is wisdom; something that need not even be mentioned.
As wisdom is an innate and integral part of the

Wow! Jesus is saying that everyone needs
psychotherapy! This is exactly what we figured out
regarding how to teach wisdom! Wisdom comes
automatically by removing ignorance from the brain!
By removing the Ego and making man selfless
which is the power behind wisdom.

The so called normal society is subnormal according
to Jesus. He is saying to be worthy of heaven we need
to become super normal. Just imagine a society where
most are wise. In fact the scientific cure for the current ills
of society for which we do not have clear answers is exactly
what Jesus told us over 2000 years ago! When will we wake
up to the science of Jesus Christ?

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