When We Lose To Win Poem by jodde taylor

When We Lose To Win

Letting go
was it so long ago
the pain does it still linger
on a hot night in a crowded silent room.

Do your thoughts
turn back just one more page
to see the way we looked again
are you still there.

Pushing against ourselves
we wanted way too much
but it was never enough
mending the lines from a written play.

We tumbled with the arrows
we still kept running even when love died
where in the shallows did we lose
our hearts a playground of amusement.

Simple reminders fill a starry night
waiting to rise upon the sky
our love will live in signs of a smile.

But to turn around
to look back at you too often
this would leave regret
of what we thought, should have been.

But now time is lost
and so are your careful melodies
the ones sang sweet and low
you sung those songs just for me.

And now I turn away
for the last time
and lose to win
to let you go, a brutal sin.

But to truly love you
and to give everything to you
I would burn and die
a thousand times, in a thousand lives.

Do you wish to see a rose burn
once so sweet, vapours turn to ashes
as I walk the old avenue
and I hear your laughter
but it no longer calls to me...

Gajanan Mishra 01 March 2013

truly love you, give everything to you. thanks. I invite you to read my poems and comment.

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