What Is It? Poem by Reshma Ramesh

What Is It?

Rating: 5.0

Is it my choice or is it acceptance?
It is by chance or by prayer,
Is it my muse or is it my ruse?
Maybe it is my fantasy,
Maybe it is my destiny,
Or was it my sanity?
Or was it a reality?
Is it my escape or is it my verity?
Is it my reverie or is it my illusion?
Maybe it is my denial,
Or is it divinity?
And in the reasons that evade,
They dodge and duck,
With no pity what so ever,
For my mind in chaos,
I am now in love,
Explanation doesn't come easy,
May be I should stop searching
But my mind wants to hear,
It pounds the heart
Maybe it it is my naivety,
Maybe it is my rage,
I know not,
Maybe it is just you,
Maybe it is just me.

Roshni D'Souza 29 March 2009

Lovely write...isn't it amazing the games our hearts and minds play on us when we are in love :)

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Dr Hitesh Sheth 11 April 2009

Or was it my sanity? Or was it a reality? ...................yeah love is insanity..the same serotonin and dopamine plays role that also plays role in insanity.........the hormones clouds our vision and even ordinary things appears rosy...........Good Write........

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rago rago 07 April 2009

one more best write... Is it my choice or is it acceptance It is by change or by prayer yes both are true...... who knows? Beautiful writing........

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that poem sounds like a palpating heart in love....lovely

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Meggie Gultiano 05 April 2009

oh, i love reading this, Reshma.This is a very lovely write

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Randy Hogan 30 March 2009

Gravity pulls, faster and faster as we draw. As two ships in ocean; tossed about to and fro: hear nor there but always one.......... Angel

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Reshma Ramesh

Reshma Ramesh

Bangalore, India
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