What Comes Must Go.....Excerpt.......The Ecstatic Dance Of Soul Poem by Jayita Bhattacharjee

What Comes Must Go.....Excerpt.......The Ecstatic Dance Of Soul

The sadness that hangs in air in the autumnal winds,
Part of you that dies with every falling leaf,
As the branches go bare in the cold, wintry winds.
Seems like the ground is covered with a crust of brown dead leaves.
Could this be the moment, when your heart sees a second spring,
As the earth feasts in colors, rising from the withered leaves,
And what seems to be falling, leaves behind, a festival on earth.

The autumn that passes and I bow in reverence,
When the nature bursts in its last beauty,
Like the earth had been saving its blessed grand finale,
The leaves are all falling with their last melody,
Speaking to my soul how gentle need I be in letting go
When the time arrives for it.

The grace that I see in the autumnal leaves,
How gently they fall singing in the breeze,
Tells me of life, its truth and beauty,
"There is a time to feast and a time to part,
All done in grace, is held at heart".
So, I let myself be inhaled in a rich autumnal smell.

Feel the fall, as the wind rises, and the air grows wild
As the leaves nod in a silent farewell,
While they descend with an autumnal grace.
The season that takes the last smile of face,
Leaves behind a mist so draped in sadness.
Such is the autumn that carries a gold,
Through all its leaves that have grown old.

Just when I wonder, shall spring come in sight,
I feel inside, "here comes the fall carrying an old with the gold".
Just when I sink inside, fills with a depth,
And rises with a light that breaks the darkness in delight.
Just the still melancholy that makes my life and soul harmonize,
In one tune, one rhythm, one melody of life,
"What comes must go", such is the truth of life.
And that old autumnal feeling, as I see another turned page,
Fills me with heaviness yet a breaking light.

My agony that turns to a burning light,
Rises with an incense in the pale face of night,
The truth that speaks in a sorrowful beauty,
Strikes my heart with a saddened sigh.
My tears flow in stream, wordlessly down,
From the cloudy sky in my heart.
I take the truth in me and I lay still,
What comes must go,
as I smell the leaves' dying scent of life.
And as the leaf gives its trembling sigh,
The tearful grace burns its incense in the bosom of a deep, dark night.

In the moments when I smell the dying scent of leaves,
I know the spring- time will one day come in sight,
So, I who wept through the falling leaves times,
As I hear their last melody in air,
Deep down I know, what falls as tears, rich on the ground,
Will be sown and rooted for God's merciful rain.
Though "What comes will go", is the melody in air,
I sense a truth through all such spin,
Where every beauty leaves a message behind,
Nothing green can stay forever in high.

My heart cried and fled as the truth struck my soul,
Yet I behold God's beauty: its infinite gleam.
And a sunny joy adorns me with his rays of gold.
As I see the crown of hills glowing in his glory.
"What comes must leave" in this passage of life,
Yet through all what comes, lives a beauty etched in sky,
Through all that leaves, burns a lamp deep in my shrine,
For a life that once bloomed, left its breathings in the air,
To etch, to light, to leave an incense behind.
The fragrance that hangs thick and sweet in air,
From every death rises the beauty of rebirth,
From the ashes and incense, rises the eternal scent of life.

......Jayita Bhattacharjee

What Comes Must Go.....Excerpt.......The Ecstatic Dance Of Soul
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