Weary Clay Poem by Ben Akinpelumi

Weary Clay

My friend once said we only live twice
When you're alive and when you're dead
Now he's at the feet of his savior but he's still living
In my heart
I pondered and I saw a pond skater drifting
So I think, what is it that is joyous about that
Well I don't care, I stood up and walked up the street
On my way I saw mike,
Micheal! I called out, he answered saying Ben do you know what,
I said same, what! He said
A friend once told me, if you die people will miss you and maybe briefly
I asked why, he then hugged me tight and weep. Well
I patted his back warmly, it's ok it's ok Man.
He said my friend slumped and now I'll have to miss him.
Such is life I soliloquize.
I told my friends to always look back, this smiling won't last till eternity
And that this little time we should be good Men
We will go so far away and we will miss each another, but we'll remember we are friends,
Chuckles' (smiles) but Ben, why speak so easily as if this will be easy to bare, Tom replied.
I looked at him, brought out my handkerchief and wiped his tears, you have to be a Man Tommy, what I did was say words.
Winchester yelled back in reply do you even feel anything when you talk about deeper things about life and facts, well he was also weeping but it doesn't matter now.
Does it
No! It doesn't
It's funny how I miss them all now, it's been 60 years apart and I miss them all.

©️ Benaiah

Weary Clay
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