Wandering Justice Poem by Sylvia Chidi

Wandering Justice

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Wandering Justice
O! Dear, have I hit a miss?
With wandering justice

When society systems fail
And someone goes to jail
Without any chance of bail
Or ever setting out again on sea to sail
For something they did not do; it is a sad tale

When there is war instead of peace
And dignified people are looking for ass to kiss
Where is justice?

Countries are suffering in health and poverty
Whilst others are enjoying wealth and property
Where is justice?

O! Dear, have I hit a miss?
With wandering justice

When someone you love
Is taken away to the skies above
Where is the justice?

When you read endlessly to take exams
Another passes it with some fraudulent scam
Where is the justice?

When all your life you work so hard
Doesn’t it get you viciously mad?
When the jackpot hits another who is bad
Where is the justice?

When life takes away your child
Because you ignored health symptoms as mild
Where is the justice?

At work when your original innovations
Reward your boss with a standing ovation
Followed by a double or triple promotion
And all you get from the boss is a caution
Where is the justice?

When living a healthy life is nothing but a trick
As destiny picks on you for the sake of a kick
With illnesses for the unhealthy and the weak
All the same you are the one who ends up sick
Where is the justice?

O! Dear, have I hit a miss?
With wandering justice
Fair for all is what I call justice
Moments of rewarding bliss

When a man plants his seeds
Creating numerous mouths to feed
And he provides them with all their needs
I call it Justice!

When you work hard
Indulging in good not bad
And life rewards make you so glad
I call it Justice!

Yet justice often wanders away
Before you have your chance of say
When it wanders, the price is often high to pay

O! Dear, have I hit a miss?
With wandering justice
As it leaves behind a trail of flaws
That is not within the confinement of fair law!

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