Ultimately Distorting Reality Poem by Paul Amrod

Ultimately Distorting Reality

I cannot stomach the misuse of gullibility
The falsehoods are the result of stupidity
We gaze at the lack of morals everywhere
ensuing depression and useless despair.
White supremacists are murdering officers
Low intensity warfare is the grim philosopher
Blaming the naivety of peaceful protesters
for not screaming the truth to arresters.
Meanwhile there is a reality show convention
keeping America hostage in morbid detention.
Twisting the CDC and FDA to lie through their teeth
summoning Satan from his realms deep beneath.
Sending their stormtroopers to old town Kenosha
Soon autumn's coming with sniffles and pneumonia
It seems there'll be no change to police brutality
as long as we listen to this atrocious abnormality.
The decency of politics seems to be in question
as the opposition is bogged down with congestion.
Expressing the dynamics of true human feelings
keeps our calloused Prez simply rolling and reeling.
Maybe we should read the poems of Thoreau
while Edgar Allan wishes him a deathblow.
"All the activists are born of leftwing anarchy"
Please leave him bellowing his absurd hierarchy
Natural disaster accompany the Reps gross bile
Wildfires, hurricanes, derechos have gone wild
This doesn't matter if our Prez fights reelection
He is a master of perversion and deflections
Abandoning the population in its hour of need
is always his method avoiding without heed.
Still fabricating grinning while he naturalizes
Shooting chills up my spine as I am paralyzed
with his animosity despicably an imposter
promoting the image of goodness he fosters.
As the courts stand in wonder lost and perplexed
they are ready to grab him for it's not complex.
Hiding his adulterous affairs is ironically sympathetic
However his art is completely vicious and apathetic
I am fed up with his face painted with scorn
rendering the public confused and forlorn.
I won't be suckered in to his land of Law and Order
as he broke the Mexicans children at his holy border.
His nightmare of disengaging us with DeJoy
has left Santa without toys for every girl and boy.
Our veterans sit helplessly waiting for their codeine
while he still pushes his hellacious hydroxychloroquine.
The elderly are disenfranchised from their medication
while he hopes he's successful with his provocation.
Clapping his paws is our uncourageous lion
as he growls superfluously for the life of Zion.
Pompous Pompeo is waiting for his chef's base
politicizing as a secretary in Jerusalem in disgrace.
So I depart from my desk in my old crow's nest
wishing my compatriots hope and be blessed.

Friday, August 28, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: hypocrisy,irony
Paul Amrod

Paul Amrod

Chateaugay, New York
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