Ukraine-Russia War - Save Ukraine From Any Nuclear Harm Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Ukraine-Russia War - Save Ukraine From Any Nuclear Harm

Load it - says one; fire it - says another
as those bombs and missile keep flying in the skies
and descending on towns and cities killing people instantly
they keep destroying houses and apartments so constantly;
people who survive and wake up in the morning
not knowing what lies ahead in their itinerary
as missiles keep coming down like falling stars shining bright
but creating a havoc and devastation so unbearable
that no one knows where to run and hide,
no one knows where they will find safety and peace.

And as the two nations keep fighting ferociously,
no one wants to think of peace nor truce
no one wants to surrender nor give in
although months have passed so chaotically
like an academic year at school that passes so hectically;
and if this war will go on and on,
how will humanity survive if a dirty bomb gets detonated
as it can can wipe out the human race so mercilessly
just like those harsh and merciless moments in the cities
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which remain so unforgettable;

it is therefore time to foresee the future
it is therefore time to curb and withdraw the hostility
it is time to stop encouraging the other to fight on;
it is time to take a back seat and let peace walk in
it is time to let the one who cannot fight alone give in,
it is time to accept a new regime and breathe relaxingly
rather than live in horror and terror,
rather than face missiles and dirty bombs
which can damage or wipe out a whole generation
in a devastating nuclear explosion.

Ukraine-Russia War - Save Ukraine From Any Nuclear Harm
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