To My Fellows In Love Poem by Cory Huennekens

To My Fellows In Love

I’m writing this to you, my audience:
To the woman who is used for sex
You have value and worth
Don’t be the poor prostitute
To the man who lives his role as a bull
It’s ok to love and be sensitive
Learn to be a whole
To the parents just hanging on
Your job is hard and the day long
Love each other, just hold on
To the grandparents lonely and old
You’ve lived a long good life
Fond memories never grow mold
To the kids fed up with their parents rules
Just listen and learn what you can
So you don’t all grow up to be fools
To the drug addict who’s deeply hurt
It’s ok to be hurt and weak
Have courage to ask for help when you speak
To the man of God just hanging on
The world doesn’t recognize your ways
Trust in God, love your neighbor, move on
And to my fellow man I say this,
It will only get harder, and we only have the life we live
Don’t spend time hating, wrapped up in drama,
We face bad weather, failing economies, and all sorts of ill
Let us all link arms, unite in love, and climb this hill
We are all hurt it’s true
By a loved one
A parent
Anyone who’s left us blue
Let us take the sum of those who have hurt us
And transform it into the sum of healing us
Don’t be too tough to offer a kind work and compassion
Don’t waste away your life after primal passion
Don’t be too busy to help your brothers and sisters
Or let love stay a far away mystery

Things are as they are, and will go as they go
Let us go forward in love
As brothers and sister

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