This Is The Truth Poem by jimmy zepp

This Is The Truth

As a teenager and later a matured man,
Yes I had dreamed to have what I can,
Some men wish to have thousand girls for days,
My wish was to love a girl in thousand ways! ! !

That's the meaning of love out of life's other issues,
Now I only eat to experience advices of different dishes,
Some sour, some sweet; forgetting about all my wishes,
Let me get along; as my chance of living fades and diminishes...

These are not hallucinations nor an act of euphoric illusions,
I'm sorting a way out of my sins which had put me in confusions,
Meaning for everything you found in my former lines of confessions,
Now I'm free of love's spell and its chillingly haunting obsessions...

Angels are not born here, at least on this side of sinful world,
Since the day we all get nourished of our moms holly breasts,
We unwillingly taste the coming pleasure; the name of the word,
From that day on, we are mortals, and not just heavenly guests...

Nobody is perfect; none of us is carrying a neon light on his head,
Speaking of me, arrogance is not a virtue; something I'd never had,
But if there exists a person, thinks an absolute angel is he or she,
I gladly accept their verdict; let them throw the first stone on me...

jimmy zepp

jimmy zepp

Let my passion grow! ! !
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