The Who-Gee Boo-Gee Man Poem by Francie Lynch

The Who-Gee Boo-Gee Man

Have you met the Who-Gee Boo-Gee Man?
He sells scams,
Like fig leafs in the garden,
And guns to Americans.

outside-in, inside-out; upside-down, right-side up

The Who-gee Boo-gee Man can shout.
He offers snake oil, spins a tale,
To make you smart, healthy and hale.

from top to bottom, bottom to top

The Who-gee Boo-gee Man can't stop.
He always has a pen.

right is left, left is wrong

That's the Who-Gee Boo-Gee song.

Consultation for now is free,
No hidden added extra fees:
You buy two, you get three.

north to south, east to west

The Who-Gee Boo-Gee man won't rest.

I've heard his feet are cloven,
His eyes are yellow, lips are ochre,
He has two fingers, his clothes silk woven;
He sinks like water to the lower level,
He's quicker than the slyest devil,
Selling hell, but we hear heaven;
Doing so twenty-four seven.

He photo-shops secret desires,
Twists truth-tellers into liars;
Artful, wily, scheming, subtle,
Who-Gee Boo-Gee's a duplicitous jackal.

today is the day, yesterday's late,
tomorrow's a place that just won't wait

I've met with the Who-Gee Boo-Gee Man,
Peddling apples from my garden.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: government,politics,scandal,selling,trump,crazy,deceit
Francie Lynch

Francie Lynch

Monaghan, Ireland
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