The Saint Who Came To My House Poem by Renu Kakkar

The Saint Who Came To My House

The Saint came to my house suddenly
accompanying a student who came to learn Reiki.

A tall person was he with powering personality
his attire was of an Orange kurta and an Orangi Lungi.

I was taken by surprise
such a personality in my house..

The fragrance of sandal wood he emitted
His forehead had the sandal wood smeared

He did not eat or drink anything that i offered
but i obtained his blessings as his feet i touched.

I did not know what to give him so I gave him a diary
and gave one to my student of Reiki.

The Saint did not want to accept the diary
saying it was a gift he was going to return one day.

he was dropped by my student in the middle of the market
but was not observed going into any house even

I gave him an empty diary without words in it
I write poetry here but in my mind he seems to write it.

From were he came and who he was no one know
sandal wood fragrance was for family and not for persons unknown.

The Saint came to my house suddenly
accompanying a student who came to learn Reiki.

Renu Kakkar

Renu Kakkar

Fazilka, punjab
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