The Novel Poem by Cat Hodgson

The Novel

The novel, kept reader content
turning page after page
The story played out
Unfolding the tale

Crying together in death
Hugging through sorrow
Sharing joy in accomplishments
Holding hands in darkness

Making love in a favorite place
Being lost in storms for days
Laughing with giddiness
Even a little gossip

Most books have endings,
Some end happily ever after
This ending was to be written
by a midnight dream

A candle burns bright in a window
The last page was ending
Ink hovered above the page
Winds came gusting

Lights flicker casting deep shadows
Covering the moonlit sky
Candle smoke swirls around
Dancing forming a cloud

In the deep distance night
the howling lonely wolf
cries like a babe at night..
Path is lost in darkness

The page slowly turns
For the last paragraph
Last words ring in the mind
Violins play melancholy

Sky burst with thunder
a rain clap breaks the silence
Rains open tapping
heavy on a tin roof

Light flashes at the window
In the path a drowned figure
Soon to be washed away
One last time on shore

In the sunny morning
sparkling mist sprays
a face full and happy
to read last two words

The End


Jeremiah 30: 2
 ©  C.E.hodgson (Cat)

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: funny
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