The Legend Of Young Mccoy [a Really Rough Start] Poem by A.Z. McCoy

The Legend Of Young Mccoy [a Really Rough Start]

The trembled sweat-slick flesh
Cast one moment of silence
'Tween heaving cacophony
in the belly
O'the flying gunship Reagan
bounding through and bounded by
fire-singed hazel skies

Roaring cries and shrieks
oscillfating, the glass floor window
on downtown below,
Leaving over
to eroded shore,
lapping waves of dead sea creature
to sanded bulwark
Like sugared landscape on floor

Belly in the belly
Shook the gunship's madness
Where could the cries escape
But to newborn eyes
As the Reagan rollicked
Swung the
White Light cascade overhead

Shining o' doctor's crude instrument
Clasped and pulling
At contracted, painful womb
Metronomed with and
By sweat-drenched screams

Shot the crown o' McCoy
Pulled by and pulling
at dirty forceps
Soft-footed and dancing
Warbling an allure
Of nightingale in
midnight's cold wither

the nurses gasped and sang
the sprout's jackknife tune
Silent aura of Mesmer
Even bearded doctor crooned

The Reagan above, chalked to its
Brim with Gunners,
Crosshaired Commandos with
Itching, fevered eyes
A steady watch along
Machine gun sights
The skies and shores
To scour banks for insurgents
All who held not these colors
O' the flying gunship Reagan
All sworn to kill

The boy's unknowing father on shift
at mounted thousand-round destroyer, his duty
to mete the Reagan's banshee death
Whatever the suits commanded
From above
A rain not seen up close
For ages

But this day was quiet
He popped Planter's peanut shells
On the floor,
what served as ceiling
for his unknown newborn
son, dancing and smiling

The joys of his mother
Held her beget miracle
Tightly shrouded in white
What fate this lad
With sick pup's body
What the seared skies
Elegantly surmised
As natural born calling?

note: going to post and work on this as it comes. The Legend of Young McCoy will sprawl, but ne'er now is done!

S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 04 December 2013

Wow an awesome ballade like poem! Your narrative skill n phrasing is brill fascinating here. Hey do try my riddle.

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A.Z. McCoy

A.Z. McCoy

aboard the flying gunship Reagan
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