The Hurting Healer Poem by Joseph Wraithbone

The Hurting Healer

He's not invincible you know...

Not like some superhero from the comic books

Inside he's only human like me and you

Hurting. Longing for answers to his problems in life...

He's hurting now but you'll never know it

He's the man you see with the big smile on his face 

Giving a big hug or a slight but warm laugh

We all hurt just as much as he does...    

But deep down he is crying tears that are never seen

Tears for his wife... His wife with cancer 

Sometimes you just don't understand why things like this happen to the world's greatest people

He has God but even then he will miss her so much

The congregation gather beside the man that talks to them every Sunday

The man that prayers for the family of the person that has cancer

That person should have never been her, but it is

And even now he's just getting by on the surface,

While inside he's crying out to our God above...

How much hurt does it take a group of people to understand his pain?

How can you be a preacher while your wife is in bed slowly slipping away?  

You simply can't alone...

I pray that we pray for the strength that he needs

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