The Greatest Pain Poem by Dazza Reason

The Greatest Pain

It is better to have loved and lost,
than to have never loved at all.
I say to thee to try this then,
And in love, you should fall.

At first your heart will skip it’s beat,
You belly, wrapped in a knot.
Butterflies and aches all round,
She’s on your mind a lot.

You’d die for her, and all you do,
You dedicate to she.
The one who’s hand you’re holding tight,
Always together, you long to be.

Then one day she decides to talk,
and suggests time apart is what you need.
The bottom falls out from your world,
But it’s reluctantly agreed.

To separate, she leaves your side,
No longer are you a pair.
You walk alone, and sleep the same,
Your darling, no longer there.

Your stomach now feels sick with hurt,
The knot, now causes pain.
Your head is filled with thoughts of her,
You’ll slowly go insane.

So now I’ll ask you once again,
If you think those first lines are true.
The pain of love, the greatest hurt,
Anyone, will ever go through.

Stuart Mason 10 December 2005

I like a couple of the lines here and the way the argument progresses to its conclusion.

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