The God-Father Poem by Lenin Meitei Thingujam

The God-Father

All these years,

I could never unlock your riddles-

Simple words that weigh volumes.

I open them now and read it by a dawning light.

Putting pen to paper,

I redraw the memories I have,

Of those bed-time stories,

Where you painted the rainbow into my head.

That day I ran all the way from school,

Bringing home a shiny circle,

Breathless to make you proud.

But all you ever asked was for a bigger one,

And I blamed you behind your back.

I regret it dad, I do,

When the pride resonates in your voice now,

Buried in a time capsule.

Ken, Ben and all the others

Were frolicking in the mud,

When I was indoors with you.

Sitting by the tickity-tock,

Wisdom raining down like fortune cookies,

I was drenched, wet to the bone.

Shaking and shivering

But my upper lip, stiffened still.

I stand upright today,

Only because I got your spine.

Like a little Newton

I troubled you about the birds and bees.

Annie, whose heart I broke,

She was so fond of you.

She saw in you the man I need to be

I missed you on those coffee nights,

When you were away making a living for us.

Blinkered in blindness,

I saw coldness in calmness.

I failed to hear your actions dripping love.

I will do everything.

I will be Michael Corleone.

Just tend to the garden you so love.

The flowers chirp for your tender care.

Kuttu barks for you to train his pups.

Let me be the cane during your evening strolls.

I will hang grandpa`s portrait on the wall.

Let me make a little bunny for you to spoil.

But please please don`t leave me dad,

Before I can say, “I love you too”.

Rajan Kumar 11 January 2012

Lenin, this a wonderfully woven and well expressed poem! It invokes THE feeling. Hats off to you my friend!

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