The First Poem by Wensislaus Mbirimi

The First

I still fondly reminisce
Of the first kiss
I got from the little miss
My heart is always at peace
Even when I write a poetry piece
Of my unforgettable first kiss

My friend is beside himself with joy
Telling everyone even his toy
Of what a joy
He got from an encounter with Everjoy
A sexual experience not fit for a boy
His first sexual experience he now wishes for every boy

I overheard a mother
Narrating to her mother
How she frets over daughter Martha
The first to call her mother
Though she might bear another
Still her first born she will always mother

I have gone to many a school
Still vividly I remember the first day at school
Smart as a rule
Nothing could ever ruffle my cool
I wanted to appear good on first day at school

Oh the joy and pride
To the first job as I stride
What of the first payday?
The happiness as I spent the money away
The first shirt to be bought
The first present for mother to be sought
All with the first pay cheque I got

The first bloom of the flower
Is of essence delight to the lass
Also wishing it was in her power
For the boy next door on her path to pass
Her first infatuation
Is a revered situation

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