The Extremist Rebel Poem by Dashaun Rashod Snipes

The Extremist Rebel

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In a world of conformity, he stands out,
A rebel soul, full of fire and doubt.
With his hair of flames and piercing gaze,
He challenges the norms in many ways.
He's the extremist rebel, a force to be reckoned,
With a heart full of passion and mind not to be beckoned.
He breaks the rules and defies the norms,
His spirit untamed, unbounded, and never conforms.
He doesn't follow the crowd, he walks his own path,
His words, like fire, with a sharp and daring rap.
He questions the society and its moral fabric,
And challenges the status quo, with a rebel's stick.
He's not afraid to speak his mind,
For he knows the truth is hard to find.
He stands up for what he believes,
And for his rights, he never grieves.
He's not just a rebel without a cause,
But a visionary, with a passion that roars.
His revolution, a quest for change,
And his actions, never seem strange.
With his nonconformist ways and rebellious deeds,
He captures hearts and plants new seeds.
Seeds of inspiration that spread like fire,
And set hearts ablaze with an unquenchable desire.
So let us raise our voices high,
For the extremist rebel, standing tall and nigh.
With his spirit unbreakable and his passion pure,
He's the one that pushes boundaries, that we can't ignore.
For in a world that tries to force us in a box,
He's the one that stands, unshackled by locks.
A true rebel, a warrior of change,
The extremist rebel, forever, and always, a driving force to range.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ The Extremist Rebel

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