The Drive Home Poem by Joanne Togati

The Drive Home

When you finally find that person that has eluded you,
after the toil and tears and countless illusions,
do you admit it to yourself quickly?
When each part of it rules your thoughts and mind
in sweetness and turbulent passions,
do you give in and when?
How long do you stay innocent
in its safe embrace?
How strong do you make yourself
before its reflection?

Synchronicity kindly interrupted me
If you were not in that car
that night at that hour
calling to me through the open window
as you saw me playing with my hair
and my lips moving to the slow sound
of the torch melody
if i had not turned to look and answer you
or decided to drive on
I would have missed you
the greatest moment of my life
I would have missed it

When your eyes
reached out to me
I could see the person inside
the softness of you
and all of your artistry
the heart that is greater than any other I've known
if I trusted myself less to believe in that sincerest of moments
you would have missed the greatest moment of your life too
But how lucky we are

where only the stars themselves shine brighter
how lucky we are
to experience a dream
that had been living in our minds since conception
to finally see it
touch it
and to have it touch us back
i would endure all of my suffering again and again
to reach this moment
because I was walking a diamond's path
and the road less traveled
and because it was paved with sharp stones that bruised and cut us
how much easier now do we fall deeper into the feather lightness of our love

The life that is before us
is a bird of paradise
flying through a gilded sky
reaching for ever greater heights

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