The Devil Wears Armani Poem by Steven Cooke

The Devil Wears Armani

She was eighteen, I was thirty two
She was an unread poem,
I was yesterday’s gift.
Her heart she gave gladly,
Her beauty mine, to enjoy
Given away in youthful sacrifice,
The Guilt was all mine.

But I take this gift,
For business is good,
And I seek many rewards.

What was love for her,
Was ego to me.
This man, her dream,
My dream, the pleasures of the night
Her attraction, my Armani suit, my Aston Martin
My attraction, just another bloom,
Found on the florists shelf.

So follow me, for Chanel number 5 Paris awaits.
Young beauty with eyes, so blue
And hair, so fair,
Who men desire
And women, love,
Come, your catwalk demands.
Look into my eyes, and see your future.

You will see my strength.
I will see my deceit.
You will see my friendship.
I will see my betrayal.
You will see your perfect love.
I will see a naked fool.

But do not judge me,
For my disciples are lined up.
Flashing their Cartier time piece, on life’s bar stool,
Intoxicated by their illusions,
Waiting, with a fashion house web
To claim the next face,
The next soul, looking for love

Just As the deserts wait for rain.
It is ordained
For the dove will find no love hear.

Only the thief,
Who takes her beauty, and plunders her love.
Who will tarnish her soul,
And steal her youth.
Only false Honor left
Kept in, A Gucci hand bag,
Full of lies, for friends to envy

So look again my love
Choose wisely,
For the devil wears
Armani tonight
And Prada will be his next victim.
Can I buy you a drink?
Love the dress.

Anna Maria 17 December 2011

Hmmm. Very clever. Here is my response: True Wealth | A Proverb What is wealth? What does it mean to be rich? Wealth consists of those treasures which cannot be destroyed or taken away. Wisdom, discernment, understanding, knowledge of truth, love of learning, finding joy in simple things, beholding beauty everywhere, contentment in every state, gratefulness at all times, courage to do right in the face of adversity, and being at peace with oneself, with all others, and with all things- these are examples of true wealth, and to be rich is to enjoy such qualities in abundance. Anna Maria and this: Success | A Proverb Success should not be measured by how much political or corporate influence you wield, by how much money you earn, by the material goods you possess, or by how popular you are. Success should be measured by the level of positive influence you have over others for good, by the levels of contentment and peacefulness you enjoy— regardless of circumstances, by the level of simplicity in your lifestyle, and by whether or not you are a person of high moral character. Anna Maria

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Steven Cooke

Steven Cooke

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