The Dark Force Poem by Abby Sze

The Dark Force

Rating: 4.0

I am the force in the darkness,
I control the movement of the night.
Close your eyes,
Feel my existence running in veins.
Open your eyes,
Feel my existence expanding in fear.

The dark and the black and the deep,
Are What human describes me.
But they are not true in deed:
For I am the force
There is nothing you can see.

But I appear when you are in fear.
I appeal when you feel the chill,
I lean to your heart to lead:
Leading you to transform
To a kind of human as like
The dark and the black and the deep.
Now get it you human fool.

I am the force,
Pushing you to your limit,
Cry as like in hell and yell as like a baby.
To get crazy is the ticket to my party.

I am the force,
Changing your direction of life.
Feel as like hopeless and act as like a dead.
To get lifeless is the chaos before all the mess.

Behold all human race.
Behold to your soul.
If there is any point
Shall your heart back down,
Shall your faith lose sound,
Then you will sense,
A force turning you around.
And in you your friend will seek,
The dark and the black and the deep.

Thursday, December 11, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: heart
I experienced something recently. I felt angry no matter what. suddenly I realize that I have changed from an easy person to the angry one. I told myself I have to stop this and I have to restore who I am and who I want to be instead of a lousy person. So I wrote this poem to remind me and be careful not to become 'the dark and the black and the deep' that kind of a person. ---My First poetry book available on amazon: What Happens in Thailand, Stays in Thailand: เกิดอะไรขึ้นในประเทศไทย
Terry Craddock 30 October 2020

I wrote the poem 'Creating Choice Reality In Darkness Night' inspired by the poem 'The Dark Force' by the poet Abby Sze and dedicated to Abby Sze.

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Terry Craddock 18 October 2020

'I am the force in the darkness, I control the movement of the night. Close your eyes, Feel my existence running in veins. Open your eyes, Feel my existence expanding in fear.' it is said 'the thought is the father to the deed' actions follow thoughts, to think is to act; the choice might be close your eyes to darkness to fear, or open the eyes to love to light, we all chose

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Jeremy Horsford 16 May 2015

You've definitely have something going on here. Maybe you could rework a few lines, however the good work has already been penned. Keep it coming, champ.

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Fabrizio Frosini 11 January 2015

from your note: * I wrote this poem to remind me and be careful not to become 'the dark and the black and the deep' that kind of a person. * a very good reminder for each of us. Thank you for sharing, Abby

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