'' The Consequences, Can And Will Be Severe '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' The Consequences, Can And Will Be Severe ''

In my search for strife,
I ruined my life,
In addition, I lost family and friends,
What I did to my wife,
Still cuts like a knife,
This pain I feel never ends.

I didn't care,
It was just an affair?
Why would others be alarmed,
When looking elsewhere,
I didn't prepare,
For those who'd ultimately be harmed.

At first it was great,
I said, this is fate,
To me there was nothing uncouth,
It's on thin ice you skate,
Life you cannot backdate,
In reality I was avoiding the truth.

As suspicions grew,
Paranoia did too,
I was carrying a very large boulder,
Each meeting I'd rue,
In case someone knew,
My mind was starting to smoulder.

Whenever confronted,
The lies I punted,
Came back on me like a curse,
I was being hunted,
I felt totally affronted,
Things couldn't get any worse.

I'm afraid they did,
Those lies I hid,
Eventually blew up in my face,
They lifted the lid,
On all that I'd did,
My treachery then fell into place.

No forgive and forget,
It was, just let him fret,
I lost everything I believed I held dear,
That lust I whet,
I'll forever regret,

‘' '' The Consequences, Can And Will Be Severe '' ‘'

Friday, July 19, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: adultery
Nosheen Irfan 19 July 2019

A wonderful expression. A difficult theme treated well. The feeling of guilt n regret so nicely captured.

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