The Broads Green Rodeo Poem by Peter (Prof) Fox

The Broads Green Rodeo

Fred and Nemo don't go far, they have nowhere to go.
They're stuck inside the paddock trotting to and fro.
'Till one day they got fed up and started off the show:
It's a day we all remember: - The Broads Green Rodeo.

Geoffrey saw the naughty pair break out of the stockade.
He held out both his arms to form a wide blockade.
He assumed that they were tame and both were easily led.
He don't remember much more: - Now he's two plates in his head.

Lou was very shocked to see both her horses free.
She called on her customers in the Walnut Tree.
'Which of you will help me in my hour of need? '
One by one we went outside - to help with the stampede.

Strutty thought he'd try a tune to keep the horses sweet.
He strapped on his accordion and went out in the street.
The song it proved a failure by the second verse.
Fred and Nemo hated it: - it only made things worse.

The darts team they were very keen to get on with their match.
So they went on the green to try and make a catch.
A few of them had bumpy rides and went off the double top.
A horse gave one a bullseye but still refused to stop.

Mark came in the public bar and stopped to have a think.
He sussed-out the solution was to give free drink.
'A prize my lads to anyone who'll overcome their fear.'
So one by one we went outside - to try and win that beer.

Fox jumped on his bicycle and peddled after Fred.
He caught him up and then he threw his arms around Fred's head.
It looked as though he'd cracked the problem in two shakes.
Instead he got to find out that horses have no brakes.

Wilf's a cute old timer who had a bright idea.
He'd go up to each horse and whisper in its ear.
'To show it who's the boss you stare and take a certain stance'
We watched him try his theory: - Now Wilf's in the ambulance.

Martin guessed the horses wouldn't yield without a fight.
He went off to his workshop and dressed up as a knight.
The sun shone on his armour without a spot of rust.
But he tripped up on his sword: - Now his collar bone is bust.

Grahame Ethridge has been known for his ideas daft and silly.
'What Fred and Nemo need is a friendly local filly.
We'll get the panto horse out and dress it in a skirt.'
I dare not say what happened next: - But by the screams it hurt.

The scouts got in a huddle to think what they could do.
Arkala got them tying knots to make a strong lasso.
By luck the first try captured Fred, they got him in one throw.
But took off fast down Larks lane - with 15 scouts in tow.

Nemo saw the fun Fred had and joined him down the lane.
The pair of them ran off and were never seen again.
We were too tired and not too sad to see the blighters go.
A day we'll all remember at The Broads Green Rodeo.

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