The Benefits Of The Reciting Of The Qur'an (Verse Paragraph) Poem by Muzahidul Reza

The Benefits Of The Reciting Of The Qur'an (Verse Paragraph)

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The Benefits Of The Reciting Of The Qur'an (Verse Paragraph)
April 9, 2020

One who recites the Qur'an daily is a Qur'an reciter
Can get the blessings and mercy of Almighty Allah;
It raises one's (the reciter) status
And they (the reciters) get success,

It gives the reciter proper knowledge about the aim of humans' life
Guides to the right path,
As in the Hadith, "Among you, one who learns the Qur'an
And teaches others is the best",

Allah blesses with great rewards for reciting the Qur'an
So, if one recites the Qur'an daily,
Can get that rewards
From the Writer of the Qur'an, Merciful Almighty Allah,

Reciting the Qur'an one can understand the main purposes of life
Can know the life of here and hereafter
And can be able to spend fruitful life
According to the teachings of Islam,

It will protect the reciter in the Day of Judgment
The reciting of the Qur'an leads the reciters to the path of Heaven
So one should try to recite the Qur'an on the daily basis
To gain the blessings of Almighty Allah,

It gives one the authentic knowledge of Islam, the only accepted religion to Him
The reciter can understand the proper meaning of Islam
Can understand the Oneness (there is no any God but Allah)
Thus it will protect the reciter from the fire of Hell,

By reciting the Qur'an daily
One can be closer to Allah
And can become a true Muslim, Mu'min
Without being the true Mu'min no one shall avoid punishment,

So one should try to recite the Qur'an in early in the morning
And before going to sleep
Thus one's whole day will be successful
As Allah blesses His Mercy on the reciters in the early morning.

Kumarmani Mahakul 09 April 2020

The person who recites the Holy Qur'an is regarded as the knowledgeable person because he recites knowledge given by God and receives God's grace. In the day of Judgement the reciter will be protected. Allah gives good rewards who recites the Holy Qur'an. This poem is very brilliantly and excellently penned.

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Muzahidul Reza 09 April 2020

Reciting the Qur'an one can understand the main purposes of life

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Muzahidul Reza

Muzahidul Reza

Charaihatee; Mohangonj; Rajibpur.
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