The Bells Poem by nikki irvine

The Bells

The bells ring in the dead of night,
From the church,
Just far off right,
It is cold and I am wearily.

As I walk down these lonely streets,
I wrap my jacket around me,
In the blink of the light above my head,
The stars gleam.

The road is empty from all of the traffic,
So there is just me,
A stray cat knocks over a few bins,
It startles me,
And I jump.

As the beat of my steps on the floor,
Through the puddles and more,
The rain comes and I am getting wet,
Oh I wish I had my umbrella with me,
Round the corner,
I continue my walk.

High rise buildings to the left and to the right,
Lights in rooms shine soo bright,
Its deserted,
Cant you see,
Its just me.

Nearly home,
Just another block to go,
The littler rolls down the street,
Past me,
And back to the way I came.

Up my steps,
And safely home,
The key in the door,
And open up,
I turn around,
And your just there.

Let the rain fall,
And the wind blows,
I don’t care as your right here,
And welcome me home,
I feel safe now,
So I can dream.

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