Tabla Rasa, Part 2 Poem by Gabrielle Ciarann Roniyah Baer

Tabla Rasa, Part 2

Why didn't I stop him?
Why didn't I stop myself?
Why didn't I see what that one life meant?
And why didn't I stay at his side,
Ready and willing to stop that wish a-borning?

We both walked into that wall,
with our eyes open,
We both acted like something vital
wasn't important at all.
We both let the other think
Nothing was wrong.

But I could have warned him,
I could have found another way,
I could have made sure
I could have asked
And I could have made
an even bigger mistake.

His eyes forgot my face,
His ears forgot my voice,
His thoughts forgot our friendship,
His mind forgot my name,
But his heart, his fierce, brave heart,
held it all safe,

Not in a hundred years,
and not in forever
could the friend of my friendless youth,
could the mate of my Academy days,
could the fighter watching my back,
forget who we are.

We were friends from childhood days,
We were journeyers across the living world,
We were warriors for many a cause,
We were called heroes, by those who saw him clear,
We were inseparable, and if I have my way,
always will be.

His heart was never surprised,
that I came looking,
that I wouldn't give up,
that I fought with everything I had,
that I wouldn't take his 'no',

He taught me everything,
He turned my life around,
He kept me to the path,
He showed me who I am
And who I don't have to be.
He knows me so well,
better always and now,
then I know myself!

(written in 2003)

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