Suicide Poem by Sarah matthews


Rating: 4.7

Suicide isn't fun,
so don't try it.

Suicide isn't quick,
it's long and painful.

Suicde never used to be me,
but now it is.

Suicide was never calming,
always away to have so much pain it didn't hurt anymore.

Suicide has to be a blade,
so don't get pricked.

Suicide is apart of love,
so don't love the wrong people.

Suicide and death are close,
so don't flirt with them.

Suicide never tells the the truth,
always belive the opposite.

Suicide kills slowly,
keep that in mind.

Suicide will always be here,
so get used to it.

Suicide takes over,
don't let it.

Suicide will eventually bite you,
bite back harder.

Suicide will never die,
you will but it won't be to it.

Suicide works well with your wrist,
so don't let it.

Suicide is always there you just can't see it,
so open your eyes.

Tammara Boyce 29 March 2007

that poem has strong thoughts to it. gud writing. - Tammara

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Cassie Randall 29 March 2007

very well written poem with a very important theme. well done

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Lizbeth Castillo 03 April 2007

i luv dis poem its gud it really has very strong feelings but i luv it

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Strif Trestion 08 April 2007

people don't really comment here do they. they just read.

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Monkey Mendez 25 April 2007

Your poem is very cool. Just so, You could push someone over the edge with that.

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9952362307 29 October 2018

Pitchaimani10@gmail con

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Alex Fairbairn 17 February 2009

Wow, I'm almost shocked about how true this is.

3 1 Reply
Paul Buckley 02 April 2008

I love this poem, really expresses what I am feeling.

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Stacey Manley 08 February 2008

this is a really good eye opener i had loads of suicide attempts and this has really opened my eyes Thank you

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Chris Mendros 20 August 2007

All true, and a great warning to the unwary!

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Sarah matthews

Sarah matthews

in a hospital in columbus
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