Sound Of The Reaper Poem by Drew Swartz

Sound Of The Reaper

Knock knock
'Hey did you hear that? '
'Yes! He finally came for me.'
He knocks everyday with hope that you'll come out
When you start to twist, break, and finally shout
You shout out of agony not pain
Cause no one saw your tears in the rain
He knocks harder and faster when you scream
As you grab a knife and make a stream
The stream is red with the ID of your's
You hear him knock again then you open the door
Frozen in fear without hope hope
He set up a chair and a rope
No more blades or blood to be spared
You're not scared
But, you shake and shiver
You turn around to see the bloody river
You can no longer stand but you never fall
Let yourself be a reminder to all
They look away
But their minds have already seen your body sway
I see what happened to you and I couldn't lie
I put flowers by your tomb and I sigh
Remembering the good times we've spent
Before your mind became twisted and bent
I'll never forget your voice or how much I loved you
But sadly there was nothing I could do
I'll remember the time we spent rockin
I'll remember you most when I hear the Reaper come a knockin
I'll sway the same way you did, like a church bell
Nothing else matters but hopefully I'll marry you in (Heck)

My close friend tried to commit suicide. I'll never forget her attempt. Gruesome what she told me. She sent me a picture of the bandages on her legs. She is such a good person and I can't believe how terrible others are. Even in class if she is mentioned every one who doesn't truly know her the way I do. I actually gave it thoughts before (suicide) cause I can't take the way people can be. I know everyone isn't evil but still the same in the end. someone will stab you in the back here and there. Luckily she is still alive and I'm only alive cause of the bonds I've created with others throughout time. I love them all <3
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