Sometimes I Wonder Poem by Osaya Evbuomwan

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I Wonder if you ever fathom the pure Love I have for you...

I Wonder if you'll ever see it for what it really is
and not what you 'want' it to Perfectly be...

I Wonder if you'll ever understand the potency of it all...

Sometimes I can't just but help to Wonder

I'll allow my mind to drift away into the abyss
while searching for answers that I've missed

I see you so beautiful to me I can't help
but smile knowing one day we'll be forever happy

There are too many examples, too many days
where my love didn't need to be spoken it was seen

I'd put my life on the line just to see you smile,
but I'd hate to die in vain if you're stuck in denial

Sometimes I can't just but help to Wonder

I Wonder what it would take to break, deflate and obliterate
the negative hand of confusion dealt to us by fate

Ill always Wonder why things turned out this way
when it had the possibility of turning out the other

But I thank God for all events that lead up to this day
I rather see things for what they are than believe what they aren't

I am here to say I Love you and you alone,

the breath you take.

The love we make,

the ground you walk on,

the chair you'll sit upon.

I cherish all the time we've had and will have together,
all the terrible storms we've weathered I can't help but Wonder

Do you really Love me the way you say you do? or...
am I wishfully thinking and misunderstanding you too?

Sometimes I really can't just but help myself to Wonder

Osayame Evbuomwan — Copyright ©
All rights and privileges reserved by author

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