Some Other Mack's Hacks Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

Some Other Mack's Hacks

Around midnight
the great owl hoots
on its own authority.
Does this fine animal
have a responsibility?
Have a compassion? Ethnics?
Righteousness? A Life Station?
Again, the great owl hoots.
Expressing its displeasure
at my presence; in his
forest… Perhaps, or
maybe just a polite
calling out at me?
After all it is, just
me and he here
in this moment.
And as the clouds
lift and the night sky
exposes herself to this
great owl and to me, I see
In the heights of the trees that
surround me, other shadowy figures.
Perhaps ‘he, ' was not hooting at me?
I stand stilled in the heaven's calm
and I strike a wooden match and
light up my cigar… the great owl
hoots twice! And the shadows in
the trees move ever so quietly…
I hear the rustling. These moments
are rare and most often passed by when
‘others' come in to this or any stand of trees
round midnight. I cannot explain why it is that
I sheltered here this particular eve. Shyte just
happened. And the great owl hoots thrice…
The rustling in the surrounding trees intensified
the shadowy figures multiplied as the full moon
brightened. How can such a scene be exemplified?
In any other scenario worldwide? Only in this forest
only in this clearing, at this moment in time; just me
a blazing full moon, the great owl, the towering trees
and all of those shadowy things in the shadows of
this present reality… What could these things
mean to me? The unspoken, that puncturing
notion that a meaning is appropriate? What
of this? The blind side of a failing love, the coo
of a wounded dove, the bellowing of Elk in season?
The lack of logic and reason in the decisions that men
make most every day? Especially men who make decisions
that affect the living and or dying; of hundreds of millions
of their fellow human beings… Ya'll do know what IAM
talking about? Metaphorically speaking? Get the
connections to that dark forest that is D.C.?
Yes, Washington, D.C.! Where metaphor
speak is the language that is kept neatly
packaged… kinda, sorta, maybe…
Where reading between the lines
is a daily challenge and the standard!
Where back stabbing and back stepping
occupy the same stages upon which the
world's attentions are turned… Have we
as a civil people not learned all of the
‘media tricks' played upon each one
of US citizens on that same daily
basis of concern? Where is there honour
respect and dignity within a day in that city?
That hypocrite's den of iniquity, that ongoing
masquerade of insanity; that haven of corporate
vanity, that unreal muddle of inhumanity!
And we have not ventured out of the
combined chambers of the congress!
Whatever is in that Oval Office… A load
of putrid offal malodorous and awful? Dreadful!
Better have your ‘big boyz pants' and hip wader
on as you seek entry! And remember to bring along
plenty of those ‘baby wipes'! For in that office there
is no caucus! Just a P.T. Barnum-esque masked pundit
for the one tenth of one percent of this world's most
wealthy citizens! Practicing as all practitioners do
their voodoo incantations upon this and every
other nation on a worldwide basis! An office
that is an oasis for the barren and the macabre!
An office that is staffed by a multi-headed beast
of the bizarre! He, who does not give a shyte
about anything except that which is coloured
green! Just ask his son! And you stupid females
in this nation overwhelming voted for this can of
shyte to be your president? How out of balance
are you mob? Is your motto: We love pussy grabbers?
Or was it because he was the only caucasian of germen
genetics that stood up to Hilary? I know, you westernized
femmes cannot handle a strong Woman as the leader of
any world! Much less a free one! So, now that we have
these facts exposed, I suppose, and assume, and do
so, present my asp whole; for all of you to bend
down low and kiss! Shall I continue on with
the gist of this twisting wright? So what
you do not like it! Leave off! Shut your sucks
and go peruse some other mack's hacks!

Saturday, January 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: city,creepy,darkness,life,nation,poetic expression,political humor,politics,relationships,suffering
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