She Who Paints Rocks Poem by Lara wolf

She Who Paints Rocks

swirl and swirl the paint goes down
a golden spiral all around
speckled dots of black and red
fill with life what once was dead
the sands of time they have missed thee
but you my angel dared to kiss me
and out came the artwork from a once mossy stone
a beauty this world has never yet known
she sees past the scuff marks the dents and the dirt
she paints over scrapes erasing the hurt
no matter if the stone be smooth or crumbled
her hands never shook, her brush never fumbled
she saw the potential in both rock and man
washed off the dirt and set forth with a plan
she made the darkest rocks sparkle with splendor
she never gave up, she never surrendered
she designed rocks with paint and humans with love
she was a goddess most praised and beloved
now that she’s gone rocks are colored no more
they sit buried in sand on some foreign shore
but the people she painted with her love most tender
they will go on and never surrender.
They will be stones whom time can’t dismandle
Her love will live on, a forever burning candle

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