Sharing Air In Our Limited Space Poem by Long Tooth

Sharing Air In Our Limited Space

Every breath that you take on this plane of existence
reveals more of God to me though you're not God!
Still, all thoughts are a window to His soul and yours!
Might real God be the wall that our shadows project on,
our circles at times overlapping (fat chance
they're concentric) ! Your 'yin' joins my 'yang' by our choice?

It seems few friends these days dare to visit. Resistance
to COVID (or lack of) , to Science looks odd!
In truth we grow afraid; our new wisdom obscures
Grace, does not give us comfort, few trust God's salvation
the more that we grow! We have ants in our pants
as if fidgeting matters (good acts are our voice!)

Do we marshall our space or all live on blue marble?
Is air more a province we own or we share?
And is water a gold that our acts can't abuse?
There's one width and depth measure to every chalice,
A history found to each word that knows rhyme,
And a billion smiles cast for each smile that lacks craft!

Is there truth man can spin that his will can't still garble
A lie one can tell that some won't think a prayer?
Or a homage one pays the world won't call profuse
And can't come from your heart? World suspects 'best' of 'malice
with forethought.' God's All have ill motives that time
will reveal! Is God evil whose Grace is a raft?

Long Tooth
August 2nd in 2020

Sunday, August 2, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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