Sentenced To Death Poem by Gary James Smith

Sentenced To Death

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Sentenced To Death

Sentenced to death because of our sin
We were doomed to die
But Someone took each sinner's place
And offered grace's supply
And shed His blood His precious blood
That washes white as snow
Removing every stain of sin
O how He loved us so

What a taste forgiveness yields
Iknow the Lord is good
Now my tongue breaks forth with praises
To the glory of my God
You cannot stop Hallelujah's
That have been Spirit planted
Nor could you ever now takemy friend
This so great Salvation for granted

Now great and greatly to be praised
For the removal of sin's condemnation
Reigns my Saviour forever on High
The Authorof faith and Salvation
Who rounded out faith with "It is finished"
And nailed them to the Cross
And separated death from the grave
His graveclothes left for dross

Find me another power that can say
With exhuberation " let there be light! "
Who can raise Himself from the dead
And i'll follow Him the rest of my life
For Creation's Maker my God and Saviour
Who cannot look on any sin lightly
Has given believer's a "paid in full" receipt
Praise God He is God Almighty!

Praise God for each sinner saved by grace
Now it's testimony time
Offering up that Bread and that Water
From a source that is Divine
There's plenty of love to go around
Remember that God is love
Come ye sinners to the banqueting table
Taste and see that the Lord is Good!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright November 420192: 57 AM

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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