Searching* Poem by Mrs. Cynosure


I'm searching for something
Something I've already found
But not knowing that I've found it
Not even sure what it is that I've found
I'm not sure it's my soul that can't find it
Or my senses that seem to block my mind
From finding what I'm searching for that
I've already found
Or is it the heart that I can't trust to help me
Find my way to this thing I have found but don't know
I've found it
Is it the barrier we all have to come across?
That we will find but never know that we have found it
Or is it my lonesome imagination
trying to play tricks on me

I guess this is just one more thing
I have to deal with today
I know I'll always be searching
for something I've already found
And it will always be searching
for me but it has already found me
I know this thing I'm searching for
has and will change my life for the better
For I hold it very dear to me but don't know I do
And it holds me dear to it but
dose not know it holds me dear
I will always be within it
It will always be within me

We are part of each other
Pieces of a puzzle
The stars in the map of stars
Two wings of a butterfly
But what could it be that I'm searching for
Dose it think about me
Dose it wonder about who I am
Is it just as confused about me
as I am about it

as we lay on the blanket under the stars silently thinking
you turn on your side put your hand around me
then say so sweetly
so passionately
I'm so glad I found you baby
I've been looking for you for a life time
I love you and always will
for you are the only thing I’ve been
searching for

Mrs. Cynosure

Mrs. Cynosure

Junction City Oregon
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