Saturday Morning Radio Poem by Raj Dronamraju

Saturday Morning Radio

Rating: 5.0

Have you ever heard Saturday morning radio?
Is the radio programming different on Saturday morning compared to weekdays?

She dreads small talk and making his lunch
And another baby that arrives as a fecund abstraction
He has to work although it is the weekend
His lifeblood is measured out as resource and as response to her

They listen to Saturday morning radio with pre-existing bad attitudes
Because they are forced to be active when they should be at rest
They do not notice any particular change in this daily detail

But why do I force myself into roles that society mandates and which I receive no compensation for?
This is family and this is work and both obscure identity
Waiting for the oddity that comes out of nowhere
And forces us to take a minute to appreciate the sun over our heads

Dr Antony Theodore 30 July 2018

This is family and this is work and both obscure identity Waiting for the oddity that comes out of nowhere And forces us to take a minute to appreciate the sun over our heads .. work and its importance in day to day life. thanku. tony

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Kumarmani Mahakul 30 July 2018

A poem on work nicely executed. Beautiful poem.10

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