Saturday Fun 1955 Poem by Terry Collett

Saturday Fun 1955

I was with Helen
on the bomb site
on Harper Road.

I was practising
drawing my toy gun
from the left hand holster
as I'd seen Billy the Kid
do in the film.

I was better
with my right
but I did it but slower.

Why do you need
to have a gun
both sides?
Helen said.

So I can shoot
two bad guys
instead of one
I said.

She watched me patiently
I drew my left hand gun
again and again
until I was happy
I was quite quick.

I showed her
around the bomb site
there was a bombed out
butcher's shop
and we got in
the back door
(which had been
busted open by someone) .

I showed her around
careful of the stairs
they're a bit fragile
I said
as we climbed
the shaky staircase.

Upstairs there
was a hole in the roof
and we could see the sky
we went to the window
avoiding walking
on the center of the room
(we walked
around the sides)
and looked out
the window
on Harper Road.

I got caught here
the other week
with other kids
and a Rozzer
told me off
I said.

she said.

A policeman
I said.

O I would hate that
she said.

Don't worry
I will keep an eye out
I said.

We looked around
then came out
the back way.

We went
to the 1d shop
and bought two bottles
of 1d drinks
and sherbet dips
and walked back
to Rockingham Street
and we began
to drink and eat.

Monday, August 7, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: childhood
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