Sarah Poem by Mallory Horne


If eyes show the soul, how’d mine get broken?
I’d give you any advise you need as part of a token.
You changed my entire perception of life.
You got me out of my hole and out of my strife.
My life wasn’t nearly as full once you left.
Vows are eternal the last time I checked.
Oh well I am wrong about many a thing.
Happiness was the only thing you were able to bring.
Which by no means is a bad thing, it just got hard after a year in New York.
The atmosphere made you bitter, you even for the first time critized my work.
We moved for the sake of our remaining realationship.
The only fault you have is you’re a dreamer with no grip,
On reality that is. So whenever I needed you to be serious you weren’t.
Now that I think about it you never had on not then nor of the current.
Maybe my soul broke the same day we decided to part.
Without your presentce, none of my music could start.
’Friends’ we promised one another we’d be after everything,
We tore apart our united house and I gave you back the ring.
Now it just seems so awkward, everything we do together.
No longer call your father, Dad, but rather out of fear, Sir.
Maybe our break up really was for the better.
Out of all the things you accused of me, I can’t believe that letter.
It was so offencive that I couldn’t even find it in me to defend myself.
After that I had lost who I was, inside even mentally I wasn’t myself.
I loved you so much that it took awhile to believe you could write such words of hate.
All the things we could do together, it’s hard to imagine that now hate’s all we create.
I guess what happened between us people would call a bad break up.
But if people would just take the time to do that thing knows as a closeup,
They might see how its not just my fault.
Your stare could always make me hault.
It is an unfortunate occurance when history is repeated.
While you’re not here to defend your title I call you conceited.
Sad is what I am nowadays after everything that happened.
You act like I am unable to, as a whole, comprehend.
As little as insulting helps, I now find I’m missing you.
With out you here my mood ring never changes from blue.
Alas you saw me recently and saw all of my former and recent cuts.
I used the excuse, for some odd reason instead of telling you, that I was a klutz.
You nodded and moved on, thinking horrid thoughts I desprately seek to know.
I haven’t seen you give me a look so cold since a very long time ago.
However cold your gaze is I desprately seek to be by your side again,
Even if this time it is only as a friend

Mallory Horne

Mallory Horne

Westerville, Ohio
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