Release Poem by Kendra Evans


Four walls surround me
To my name all I have is a pen and chair
Plus there is a small window for which I can stare
The more I move the more walls close in
I sit in the chair again

The wall in front of me is clear with a nearly invisible door
To my right there is a board, guess that's what the pen is for
To my left there is a window, viewing a landscape that
I've never seen before
At my back there is just blue from ceiling to floor

The first day I just peered out the window thoughtlessly
Second day I tried to oopen the invisible door
Oh, I tried until I could take no more
On the third day, I sat confused, wondering what the blue was for
The fourth day I awkaen to these words on the board
'Let go and be free! '

Confused for a moment,
maybe two or three
Then I proceeded to scribble everything that has ever bothered me
It started with me standing on my chair
Until I was down on my knees,
With a steady stream of tears flowing
The weight on my shoulders began to ease

Exhausted I sat
What could possibly be next
the ground began to quake
I grip my chair
the walls began to shift but the clear wall
is still in front there

As my pains drift behind me I stare in awww
this is not the most bizarre thus far
The blue wall is now on my right and has began to lighten
And my window is now on my left, my scene is still there
I steal a deep breathe

I hear the door oopen I close my eyes
A voice spoke to my surprise
'The past has happened for a reason, and there it shall stay,
but only if you allow it to be that way.'
As the voice disappeared I opened my eyes
But of course there is no one, still to my surprise

Leaving my room
and my hurt behind
I walk straight out to a world
with only possiblilities and blue skies.

*This is dedicated to a few of my friends who seem to find it hard to let go of their pasts, and build a better future.

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