Prayer Leads To A Radical Transformation Of Consciousness Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

Prayer Leads To A Radical Transformation Of Consciousness

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Prayer, as the distilled
awareness of our whole
life before God,
is meant to lead us
to a radical transformation
of consciousness in which
all of life becomes a symbol.

Thursday, April 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: god,life,prayer,transformation
Glen Kappy 20 April 2019

Tony, I’d like to know more of what you mean by symbol in this poem. What first comes to mind for me, in response to what you say here, is that prayer can reinforce to us the reality of our nakedness, that we are utterly transparent, before the One who sees all. And I don’t mean this as a negative, not when we see God accepts us as we are. Instead, we can relax and be utterly ourselves in our vulnerabilities and gratitude and... -Glen

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Kumarmani Mahakul 20 April 2019

An impressive prayer to God in a sentence about awareness of our whole life to lead us to a radical transformation of consciousness. Nice work.

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Mahtab Bangalee 18 April 2019

a prayer from the heart change the insight as well as outside!

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