Politics And Religion Poem by Bob Gotti

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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Bob Gotti
New Jersey
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Politics And Religion

My friend politics and religion, are two topics that cause division,
The two can create in our life, many arguments and much strife.
Dear friend everybody is political, affected by the governing will,
And friend religion plays a part, in each and every human heart.

The two create much consternation, in the peoples of the nation,
With fear of what life could be, affecting the lives of you and me.
They polarize the heart of men, in ways we cannot comprehend,
Creating many political forces, some of which, religion endorses,

These issues we’re told to avoid, by men who become annoyed,
But my friend, it can’t be denied, these issues fester deep inside.
To avoid them is perpetrated by, that old Devil, the Father of lies,
Satan wants you to be deceived, so in the end, He’ll be believed.

For in the end, it shall be politics, this is the one that Satan picks,
Supported by the man’s religion, causing the world much derision.
The beast and false prophet friend, will merge together in the end,
Creating a political religious order, that moves across every border.

In the end politics won’t be denied, with no place for hearts to hide,
The politics men avoided my friend, shall religiously bring their end.
As men will believe Satan’s lie, the False Prophet they won’t deny,
But they’ll deny Jesus Christ, receiving eternal death instead of life.

(Copyright ©06/2006)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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Bob Gotti
New Jersey
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