Pete In His Sixties Poem by Francis Duggan

Pete In His Sixties

The hair on his head it is silvery gray
And he is one who has known a far better day
But down at the pub he can drink all night long
And when he gets drunk he bursts into song.

A nice person to talk to and a nice person to meet
You will not find a nicer person than Pete
A man who can drink with men younger all night
And not ask for trouble and not pick a fight.

One who will tell you the gift of life comes by chance
A man who can sing and a man who can dance
To help you one who will go out of his way
And nice things of others he only does say.

Things must be tough on him since he lost his wife
She suffered a lot towards the end of her life
To a better place he says she has gone
And though he does miss her he keeps on keeping on.

A kind hearted fellow and one free of guile
To Pete in his sixties 'tis not hard to smile
In the heart of the ageing man there is a boy
And a few beers with his mates at the pub he enjoy.

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